Jigra Movie Review (2024)

By abhay

Movie Review by Abhay Akkina

The lights went dim in the theater, and my mind filled with thoughts. I had seen the poster for "Jigra" and knew I had to watch it.

My eyes glued to the screen as the story started. A sister's struggle to clear her brother’s name after he got blamed wrongly.

This movie truly left something behind in me. I never saw family or justice the same.

Jigra's this movie Vasan Bala made. Karan Johar and Alia Bhatt helped make it too. People were pretty pumped to see it. It's got alot of strong feelings and a good story that keeps you watchin.

The movie's about this girl Satyabhama Anand. Her brother Ankur's stuck in some Malaysian jail but he didn't do anything wrong.

She's gonna do whatever it takes to get him out. Alia Bhatt plays the sister and does a really good job showing how much she loves her brother and how determined she is.

The Story of Jigra

It's all about Satyabhama and her bro Ankur. They lost their folks and some far-off relative raised them. That's how the story kicks off, showing how close they are.

Ankur goes to this place called Hansi Dao in Malaysia for school. But then something real bad happens. His cousin does something stupid with drugs and Ankur gets blamed. Now he's looking at maybe dying for it.

Satyabhama ain't having none of that. She goes all the way to Malaysia to help him. She meets these guys there - Bhatia, who used to be in a gang, and Muthu, who was a cop before. They come up with this crazy plan to bust Ankur outta jail.

Ankur and his buddies in the slammer are trying to figure out how to escape too. It all leads up to this real exciting and emotional ending.

The whole movie's about how much Satyabhama and Ankur care about each other. It shows how far she'll go to save him. It's also about how messed up the justice system can be sometimes and how tough people can be when things get real bad.

"The Jigra narrative is a testament to the unbreakable bond between siblings, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones."

Alia Bhatt's Outstanding Performance

She plays this girl Satyabhama Anand, does she do a good job? The way she acts makes you feel how stubborn and protective Satyabhama is. Lots of people who watched it were real impressed.

The parts where she's doing all the action stuff? People can't stop talking bout how great she is in those scenes.

The folks who write about movies say she makes you feel all sorts of things when you watch her. The way she shows how much Satyabhama wants to keep her family safe really.

When you watch Alia acting as Satyabhama, it's like she's really that person. She's real good at showing all the stuff going on inside Satyabhama's head without saying much.

It's pretty amazing how she can make you understand all the mixed-up feelings Satyabhama's got.

"Alia Bhatt's performance as Satyabhama is a tour de force. She seamlessly transitions between moments of vulnerability and unyielding strength, captivating the audience with her range and emotional investment in the role."

The praise for Alia Bhatt's acting in Jigra has made her a top actress in India. Her role as Satyabhama is a key part of the movie. Her performance will stay with viewers long after they leave the theater.

Jigra Movie Review: Strengths and Weaknesses

People who watched it and then movie critics, they got different thoughts on it. Alia Bhatt, killed it on her part, but the story? Some folks think it's kinda old news and not real fresh.

The way the brother and sister care for each other, that's a real good part of the movie. But some people reckon they could show more of how they get along. They wanted to see more about how they act together and all that.

Some folks say the movie goes too slow and ain't got enough scenes that stick in your head. And it's long too, so some people get bored watching it.

But it ain't all bad, ya know? The way they filmed it and how it looks, that's real nice. And the other actors, specially this guy Vedang Raina, they did a good job too.

Jigra Movie StrengthsJigra Movie Weaknesses
* Alia Bhatt's compelling performance.
* Emotional bond between siblings.
* High-quality cinematography and production values.
* Vedang Raina and the supporting cast's commendable performances
* Predictable plot and lack of originality.
* Insufficient development of the sibling relationship.
* Lack of memorable dialogues and engaging action sequences.
* Pacing issues and unnecessarily long runtime

Jigra offers a mix of good and bad points. It showcases Alia Bhatt's talent but needs work on its story and technical aspects. This could make it more engaging for viewers.

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Jigra Movie Review: Technical Aspects

Alia Bhatt, she killed it in her part, but the story? Some folks think it's kinda old news and not real fresh.

The way the brother and sister care for each other, that's a real good part of the movie. But some people reckon they could shown more of how they get along. They wanted to see more about how they act together and all that.

Some folks say the movie goes too slow and ain't got enough scenes that stick in your head. And it's long too, so some people get bored watching it.

But it ain't all bad, you know? The way they filmed it and how it looks, that's real nice. And the other actors, specially this guy Vedang Raina, they did a good job too.

"The technical aspects of Jigra could have been better executed to fully capitalize on the emotional depth and action-packed potential of the story."

Jigra highlights Vasan Bala's talent as a director, but it falls short in some technical areas. The mixed feedback on the jigra movie technical analysis shows the need for better technical work. This would make the film more impactful.

Vedang Raina and Supporting Cast

The supporting cast in Jigra has added a lot to the film. Vedang Raina plays Ankur Anand, Satyabhama's brother. He has been praised for showing Ankur's feelings of frustration and hopelessness in jail.

Manoj Pahwa is in the film as Bhatia, a retired gangster. He brings his usual charm and wit, making the audience laugh. Rahul Ravindran plays Muthu, a former cop. His performance adds depth to the film's characters.

Vedang RainaAnkur AnandPortrayed the character's frustrations and hopelessness while incarcerated
Manoj PahwaBhatiaBrought his signature wit and charm to the screen
Rahul RavindranMuthuDepicted the ex-cop character with depth and nuance

The cast in Jigra has made the film even better. They add to Alia Bhatt's amazing performance. Together, they make the story richer.

The Emotional Core: Sibling Bond

The way they care for each other is what makes the whole story tick. It's so real, it grabs and don't let go. Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina, play these two, and boy do they do a good job.

You can feel how much they love each other and how Satyabhama's gonna do whatever it takes to help her bro.

Loads of folks who watched it say they loved how close the siblings are. The way Satyabhama sticks by Ankur and wants to keep him safe, it really gets. Makes the whole story hit you right in the feels.

But some people reckon they coulda show more of how they get along, to make it even better.

But lemme tell you, Alia and Vedang, they're something else when they're acting together. They really make you believe they're brother and sister.

The way the movie shows what they're going through, it's the heart of the whole thing. It's what keeps you watching and what sticks with you after.

Me, I'm one of them movie critics, so I took a good look at it. People's thoughts on it are all over the place.

Folks are loving Alia Bhatt as this tough sister. They say she's got all these feelings and she's real determined. But the story? It's kinda old hat and not really special.

The way the movie moves along, that's another problem. Some parts drag on forever, others zoom by too quick. The brother-sister thing is sposed to be the big deal, but it don't quite hit the mark.

The writing, fighting scenes, and music ain't as good as they could been. The movie looks nice, but it just doesn't come together right.

To sum it up, Jigra's a bit of a letdown for an action movie. Even with good actors and all, it don't stick with you. Just goes to show, that even if you have talent, you gotta know how to use it right to make a movie people remember.


I'm thinking about that Jigra flick and man, I got mixed feelings. Alia Bhatt, she's killing it, but the rest of the movie? It ain't all that.

The story about a sister trying to help her brother sounds good, but they didn't do it right. It's kinda boring and goes all over the place.

The actors and folks making the movie, they tried real hard. But the writing just ain't up to snuff. Makes you feel let down when you watch it.

If you want a good movie about brothers and sisters, maybe skip this one. Bollywood's got better stuff out there.

To wrap it up, Jigra's like a box of chocolates - some parts are tasty, others not so much. Alia shows she's got skills, but the movie doesn't stick with you.

Just goes to show, that even when you got talent, making a movie people like ain't easy.

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