Megalopolis movie Review 2024

By abhay

3.0 ★★★

Abhay anjaneyulu

Sep 30, 2024

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Cast: Adam Driver, Giancarlo Esposito, Nathalie Emmanuel, Aubrey Plaza, Shia LaBeouf, Jon Voight, Laurence Fishburne, Kathryn Hunter, Dustin Hoffman 3

Genre: Epic, Sci-fi Epic

Release: Sep 27, 2024

Review Summary

I saw a movie called Megalopolis. It was made by Francis Ford Coppola. The movie looked really pretty. It mixed old Rome with future New York. It made me think about big ideas like perfect cities and real-life problems.

Adam Driver played a guy named Cesar. He was an architect with big dreams. He acted well. Lots of famous people were in the movie too. Some did good and some didn’t.

The movie reminded me of other Coppola movies. It had lots of people fighting for power. The story was kinda messy. Sometimes it was slow and sometimes it was fast. Some parts of the story weren’t finished good.

Even though it had problems, I liked the movie. It made me think a lot. Me and my friends talked about it after. It’s a big movie with big ideas. I won’t forget it soon.


  1. Unique visuals
  2. Thought-provoking themes
  3. Strong acting
  4. Complex relationships
  5. Hopeful future


  1. Weak characters
  2. Uneven performances
  3. Visual overload
  4. Confusing plot
  5. Dull romance

In-Depth Review

I watched the movie about New Rome. It was cool. The city looked weird but neat. Skyscrapers mixed with old Roman stuff. I saw the Chrysler Building with a gold top. It was pretty.

The movie had lots of things to look at. Cars floated around buildings.

People wore togas and suits. They walked on moving sidewalks. It was kinda crazy to see. I kept noticing new things each time I watched it.

There was a big scene in a place like Madison Square Garden. But it was more like a Colosseum. Lotsa people cheered for chariot races and gladiators fighting. It made me think about how we like big shows and stuff today.

New Rome looked different from other future cities in movies. It wasn’t all dark and scary like Blade Runner. It was bright and hopeful. But it had problems too. The colours reminded me of The Jetsons cartoon.

The movie showed that not everything was perfect in New Rome. Rich people had it good, but poor people didn’t. It made me think about how things are in real life now.

Adam Driver played a guy named Cesar. He wanted to change the city. The driver acted well. He was passionate and kinda bossy. There was a part where he stood on a tall building and talked about his plans. His voice shook. I felt excited but also worried about what he might do.

Giancarlo Esposito was the mayor. He was different from Cesar. Esposito did a good job showing a guy who was stuck between being practical and wanting more. There was a scene where he talked to Cesar. His eyes looked admiring and mad at the same time. It showed how complicated their friendship was.

Nathalie Emmanuel played Julia. She was the mayor’s daughter and Cesar’s girlfriend. But I didn’t think her character was very interesting. Emmanuel tried her best, but Julia seemed more like a plot thing than a real person. Their love story wasn’t very exciting.

Some other actors were really good, but some were weird. Aubrey Plaza was great as a TV host named Wow Platinum. She was funny and ambitious. But Shia LaBeouf was too much as Caesar’s cousin. He was so over the top that it messed up some scenes.

The best part of the movie was how it showed all the relationships between people. People kept changing sides and making new friends.

Nobody was all good or all bad. It reminded me of the politics in The Godfather movies but in the future.

I liked how the movie looked. Every picture had lots of details. It showed a complicated world. But sometimes it was too much to look at. The city was hopeful but also had problems. It made me think about our world today.

The story was about big ideas and personal stuff too. It showed how people can want to do good things but mess up. I thought about how hard it is to change things in real life.

The movie made me think about old things and new things together. It was cool to see Roman buildings with flying cars. It made me wonder what our cities might look like in the future.

I liked how the movie wasn’t all dark like some future movies. It showed good and bad things. That felt more real to me. But I wish some characters were better. Some people didn’t seem as real as others.

The movie had lots of big ideas. It talked about politics, society, and what people want. Sometimes it was hard to follow everything. But it was interesting to think about after.

The movie Megalopolis had a big story. It was about a city called New Rome. The main idea was how dreams and real life don’t always match.

Cesar wanted to make a perfect city where people could be their best. But running a big city aint easy.

The movie was long. It was 138 minutes. Sometimes it felt too long, and sometimes not long enough. I wanted some parts to be shorter and some parts to be longer.

There was lots of cool stuff to see, but sometimes it was boring too.
One weird thing in the movie was how Cesar could stop time. They never said why he could do this. I think it was supposed to show how he wanted to control stuff.

But as the movie went on, it showed how this power made him lonely. And it didn’t really help him change things.
The movie made me think of old Rome and America today. But it wasn’t too obvious about it. It made me think about big questions.

Like how people get power and how cities grow. There was a part where Cesar and Julia went to a museum. They saw stuff from today like it was really old. It made me think about how nothing lasts forever.

The movie talked about lots of big ideas. It made me think about how one person’s ideas can affect everyone. And how computers and stuff change how we live. It also made me wonder if history just keeps repeating or if we can make things better. I thought about how money and power can make people do bad things.

Not all these ideas were talked about well. But I liked that the movie tried to say so much. I kept thinking about it after it was over. Me and my friends talked about what we thought it meant.

At the end of the movie, all the different parts of the story come together. It was kinda good but also not finished. I think the person who made the movie wanted us to think about stuff more than give us answers. Some people might not like that, but I thought it was okay.

Megalopolis was a weird movie. It was about the future and politics and love and big ideas all at the same time. It didn’t always do a good job with all these things.

But it was different from other movies I had seen. I liked that it tried to do so much, even if it didn’t always work.

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